Knit long

Broderie Anglaise and my own Broderie Hollandaise stitch patterns use "knit-long" techniques that pull a long loop of yarn from below a strand that runs between previously-made stitches.

Broderie Hollandaise, in addition, uses "knit-below" techniques that pull a long loop through the center of a lower stitch.

These techniques are a little unusual, but they're not at all difficult. And the stitch patterns that they produce are not only beautiful, but quite engaging and fun to work.

This tutorial illustrates knit-long-right, knit-long-left, knit-below-right and knit-below-left techniques.

Knit long - right (KL-R)

There is a small space below the strand that runs between the 1st and 2nd sts on the left needle.

Insert right needle from the front into that space and knit into it, drawing a long loop onto right needle.

Knit long - left (KL-L)

Insert left needle tip from the back between 1st and 2nd sts on right needle and 2 rows below (into the same space the previous KL-R was worked into).

Using left needle tip as as guide, insert right needle into that same space and knit into it, drawing a long loop onto right needle .

Knit below - right (KB-R)

Insert right needle into next stitch along with the long stitch below it,

knit into both stitches together, leaving the next stitch on left needle.

Knit below - left (KB-L)

Insert left needle from the back into the stitch below the last stitch worked along with the long stitch below it,

Knit into both strands through back loops .

Broderie Hollandaise